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Blessings during Covid19

In the form of a journal:

March 15th -

Today I am with my mother in Spanish Fork, Utah and we had her ministering brother come over and administer the sacrament. It was really special. I felt watched over and cared about. I was glad to see my mom watched over. The bishop called on Saturday and then her ministering brother called later to see if and when we would like him to come. He came with a companion all dressed in their Sunday best with good bread and he borrowed cups.

May 31st -

Today I was able to go to church in Spanish Fork, Utah with my mother. It was awesome. I felt so grateful to be able to attend church and partake of the sacrament and see how others are doing church. The bishop presided and had a lot of direction to give the members about what to expect and what is expected of us. I love how masks were recommended, but not required. So, a few people had them on, but most of the congregation didn’t choose to wear them. We were well distanced. The priesthood all wore their masks. They sanitized their hands for our viewing during the sacrament hymn and before preparing the sacrament. Everything was cared for properly with the requirements of the state to hold church. They divided their ward and sat in every other row, but it was still good to see happy faces of friends. It makes it so much easier to check in on each other and see how people are doing and feeling. God is good and I could feel his love for each of us.

We all know that in the last days we will have these types of things things to deal with. We have been told for years to prepare for these things. If God is choosing to cleanse the Earth and help us who remain turn to Him, then I call that a good thing. Yes, there are growing pains from it. Yes, there are financial consequences too. We’ve been told to get out of debt for years. I’m sure we have been gently nudged individually to do things and to follow the self reliance model. I have heard of friends who chose to sale their house or change jobs or so many other things that at the time didn’t make sense from the outside looking on, but they knew they should do it. Now they look back and see it was in their best interest.

We were told to take our vitamins and get some rest. There is more to come.

Brynna Cadman

In what ways have you seen the hand of the Lord in your life?

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