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Elder Brendan Rauch

What is a scripture that you love, have used in your teaching or impresses you lately?

Alma 29 : 1-9 

Verse 1 and 3 and 9 are the ones that truly stand out to me.  Because I have the desires to be an angle or a messenger of the Lord that can cry out repentance to the people with the power of a trump, but I shouldn't want more than I have because I should be content with what God gave me. He gave me my gifts and talents, but also my trials and struggles to help me learn. So I need to be an instrument and rely on the Lord where I have fault for he is the one who will make weak thinks become strong. All of this just truly tells me to humble myself unto God’s will and trust in him as I do his work. 

What type of service opportunities do you have?

Oh, I get to do many service. We do get the normal ones like mowing a yard, cleaning the gutters, or cutting down a tree, but my favorite has been rebuilding houses. Since the hurricane last year many people still haven't finish their house. So I love just going over and helping hang sheet rock, tape and mud, and even texture. To me I think it's the best that I can be the one who helps people get back into there homes. 

What is your favorite thing so far about serving a mission?

My favorite thing so far would be being able to meet so many people. As a missionary you are able to meet so many people from all walks of life. And I just love how we are able to teach them and see the change in them.

What I have learned about being converted is that it is hard work. There is a saying that my companion says. It goes, “If someone joins the church because of a miracle it’s a miracle that they stay”. To be truly converted you need faith. Faith is the first principle we teach. It leads to many things. It leads you to act and that is one of the biggest things you need to be converted. Your testimony is like a fire, if you don’t fuel it with scripture study, prayer and church it will never grow, and it will dwindle and can be put out. But the power and hope the Savior can always bring it back and is the center of it all. The Savior does heal all wounds and give hope and light to everyone around the world. A video that I like to show to people is “Because of Him”. It brings the spirit of the Savior so strong and anybody can feel it. The message has changed my life. It has mostly changed the way I feel on the inside. Jesus Christ has brought happiness to me. He has brought me peace and comfort. I know he lives and watches over me. I know of his love for everyone and the desire he has to bring this happiness to all of God’s children. As I truly trust in the Savior and follow what he says I can feel without a doubt that what I am doing is the right thing. And things can just get better. I trust in the savior at all times and rely on him more when struggles come. This is my testimony and this what I share with every one I meet in Texas.

Alma 29:9 stands out to Elder Rauch

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