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Sister Kaitlin Naea

Sister Neae's all time favorite scripture is Ether 12:27

      "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

      I have learned a lot from this scripture because it's so easy to find your weaknesses and not recognize the strengths you have as a child of God. It's been really easy for me to be hard on myself and not realize the potential that I have. However, when I read this scripture, I know that the reason I am not perfect is because I need to work for it. I need to put in the effort to become like my Father in Heaven. With that comes the responsibility of knowing that we are given trials and weakness to strengthen our faith and to learn and grow in testimony. In order to have strengths you have to have weaknesses. 

We have a lot of service opportunities here in the great state of Texas!! Sometimes we get together as missionaries in a specific area and volunteer at a food pantry. In one of my areas we helped out at the Bishop's Storehouse and I loved it because I love the Bishop's Storehouse! One of my all time favorite places to do service was at a nursing home and we went around and sang hymns to the residents and then played Bingo with them and helped them out with that. It was so much fun!

I think one of my favorite things about serving a mission is the change that happens because of the gospel! I am not one for change at all, ask literally anyone that knows me, but the change the gospel brings is a divine change that is for the better. I have seen change in people's lives when they read the Book of Mormon every day and how much added strength they have to endure to the end. I have seen the way their attitude changes about life and the trials they go through. The gospel is something that is ALWAYS positive, no matter what. I have seen the change in myself that has happened because I have grown a stronger testimony of the gospel and Heavenly Father. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the things I get to teach people are true, and that has changed me for the better. 

Sister Naea

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