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Trek - 10/10 Recommended

At our Trek Fireside we had Cami Allen speak. Here is her talk.

Hey everyone.

It’s so good to see you all again. I’m Cami Allen for those of you who don’t know me. I was on the blue team. The sky walkers. We were the best. 

Just saying.

Trek was an amazing experience spiritually mentally and physically. I did things I didn’t think I could. And I learned things that truly converted me to the gospel.

First, I want to expand on some things that helped me understand the gospel.  Way before trek I was praying for an understanding of Joseph Smith. Trek was an answer to that prayer. That first night hearing “Joseph Smith” talk to us opened my eyes. He was intense and I felt a strong impression that the things coming from his mouth were true. My biological dad isn’t a member and he kept drilling misconceptions of Joseph Smith into my head which sadly I believed but I learned that night that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and a great man.  Those misconceptions hurt my mindset but when I heard the stories of Joseph Smith’s life my mindset changed.  As you might recall men were sent to kill Joseph, but his kindness changed their attitude completely. When the men barged into his house to capture him he did not fight back he simply introduced himself and shook their hands. That small gesture softened their hearts. The men then told him that they would do anything to protect his life. It was crazy to me that the evil could be turned to light that quickly.  Joseph Smith’s wife, Emma Smith, was an amazing example. She was a fearless strong and a loving woman. I can’t imagine having to travel across the plains alone with children and having so much faith. It astounds me that she traveled without Joseph during all the unknown. She didn’t know that her husband would be safe. She didn’t know for sure that they would survive, but she had faith. I would be lucky to have a quarter of the faith she had. My trials are so small compared to hers. Her story taught me to trust the lord with all my heart. If she can trust the lord with her massive challenges, I can trust him with my small tribulations. I know that everyone of us here can learn from the courageous Smith family. At trek I had another faith filled experience. On the last, and may I add the most hard day of trek my “brother” Matt  blindfolded himself and pushed the cart from behind. “Why on earth would he do this?” you may ask.  Well, one of his ancestors crossed the plains with no vision. He was blind. Matt wanted to recreate that and feel a small portion of his ancestor’s trials. I helped him know where to step as he was pushing the cart. He had faith in me to guide him as he was pushing. It was a little dangerous due to the hills and rocks and big piles of doo doo but he prospered through faith.  He had faith in me, a human who makes mistakes all the time. I learned that If he could do that, I could have faith in a perfect god.  

As I was packing for trek I was also mentally preparing myself. I expected the worst. But as we walked I exceeded my mental expectations. I didn’t think I was strong enough to push the cart 13 and a half miles but I quickly learned if I had a positive attitude and a good outlook I can achieve anything.  I doubted myself a lot. There were times when I wanted to give up. But I had to remind myself that the trek reenactment was nothing compared to what some of our ancestors went through. It is important to keep a positive outlook on all things in life. Whether it be physically or mentally challenging, I learned I could do most anything with a good mindset and faith in the lord. Although, this is easier said than done. There were plenty of times where I was in a terrible mood. My negative mindset made everything ten times more miserable. There was one night where I was hangry, and when I get hangry you really want to stay away from me. I was grumpy all throughout our family devotional but as soon as we said a prayer I was happy again. There were so many times the spirit touched my heart  that weekend.  When we invite the spirit it allows that happiness to overcome you when you need it most. I could imagine that the pioneers experienced the same thing. They needed to have the spirit with them to survive mentally and probably physically as well. 

The pioneers had it rough. It was so eye opening to come home from trek and live with all the luxury we are used to having. I noticed I take many things for granted. Having this opportunity to go on trek made me realize all the things I’m grateful for in life. All of the things I have that my ancestors didn’t have. It also made me realize that all of the pioneers suffered for us. They stood strong in the gospel when they were being chased out of their homes. 

The pioneers were brave and faithful. I aspire to be like them. 

Although trek was quite difficult I learned so much and had a lot of fun adding on to my testimony, creating friendships, and experiencing the things pioneers went through.  I’m so glad I got to build relationships with some of you guys.  It was a great feeling to accomplish those tasks with my family and I had a lot of fun at the hoedown engagement party for Wolfe and Karina. And I hope they are doing well with their 12 kids. I made memories that I will not forget and learned things that I will remember forever. For those of you who are looking forward to trek I 10/10 recommend. If you go into trek with an open heart you will learn so much and be touched by the gospel. 

A family pulls their handcart on the trail
Handcart Trek Reenactment 2019

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