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The reason #WhyIBelieve is because of having an eternal perspective in living the marvelous Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Temples are the closest place on Earth to Heaven; both inside & outside. I Believe in Christ & know that his houses are for us to be sealed & bound together as families forever & in the eternities.

I believe in the truth & the light of the world because he helps set me free whenever my most difficult events happen in my life. The Lord invites us all to "Come Follow Me." One of my favorite songs describes Why I, Elder Weston Merrill, believe & follow the example of Jesus Christ.

I invite ALL to come & see WHAT Jesus Christ can do to help them in their lives & HOW they can believe in Christ & follow His perfect example.

The song is I Believe in Christ written by Bruce R. McConkie

1.I believe in Christ; he is my King!

With all my heart to him I’ll sing;

I’ll raise my voice in praise and joy,

In grand amens my tongue employ.

I believe in Christ; he is God’s Son.

On earth to dwell his soul did come.

He healed the sick; the dead he raised.

Good works were his; his name be praised.

2.I believe in Christ; oh blessed name!

As Mary’s Son he came to reign

’Mid mortal men, his earthly kin,

To save them from the woes of sin.

I believe in Christ, who marked the path,

Who did gain all his Father hath,

Who said to men: “Come, follow me,

That ye, my friends, with God may be.”

3.I believe in Christ—my Lord, my God!

My feet he plants on gospel sod.

I’ll worship him with all my might;

He is the source of truth and light.

I believe in Christ; he ransoms me.

From Satan’s grasp he sets me free,

And I shall live with joy and love

In his eternal courts above.

4.I believe in Christ; he stands supreme!

From him I’ll gain my fondest dream;

And while I strive through grief and pain,

His voice is heard: “Ye shall obtain.”

I believe in Christ; so come what may,

With him I’ll stand in that great day

When on this earth he comes again

To rule among the sons of men.

Elder Weston Merrill

Serving in the Oregon Portland Mission

from Day Creek Ward

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